If multiple wireless networks are competing for the same channel, this can cause problems. To fix this, you can change the wireless channel in your router's web interface. You can do this even if you don't have access to a wireless-analyzing app change the signal to a different channel and then see if your wireless connection improves.
If you need to cover a large area with a wireless signal and your router just isn't cutting it, you can buy a wireless repeater or range extender. These devices repeat the wireless signal, extending its area. You don't even need special devices for this --
if you have some old routers around, you can use multiple routers to extend your Wi-Fi network.
Depending on your router, you may be able to attach an improved antenna that antenna that gives your signal additional range. You can also try building a Wi-Fi reflector reflects the signal in a specific direction.
While Wi-Fi may feel like the future, wired network connections still have a lot of advantages. If you want a more reliable connection with faster speed and no interference problems, a wired network connection is still the most reliable option out there.cts the signal in a specific direction.