Here you can find everything you need regarding your numbers.
Adding numbers
Adding numbers is simple all you need to do is choose what type of number you wish to add Local numbers, 1300 numbers, 1800 numbers (please call or email us for 1800 numbers), Mobile numbers (please call or email us for mobile numbers), or International numbers (please call or email us for international numbers).
Select the nearest area, this will then populate a list of numbers which are available.
Once the number has been purchased you will be able to see it on your account instantly and start setting up its route.
Porting numbers
Porting your existing number is a simple process, simply click on the port number tab on the Numbers page and fill out the form below, you will need the latest copy of your phone bill from your existing carrier
NOTE: the bill needs to display your account number and service number you wish to port if your bill does not have this information you will need to provide a screenshot showing you are the owner of the number you wish to port.
ETA on port request can vary between 4-7 business days to 2-3 weeks depending on the port request itself.
Our Support team will handle everything once a port request has been submitted from start to finish.
Can I use my account whilst my number is being ported? Yes, not to worry as we supply your account with a temp number which allows you to divert your current number to our system. This is so that you are up and running without any downtime to your business.
Once a port request has been submitted this will also allow us to provide a Caller ID on your account. This means that you can call out from our system and it will appear as if you are calling from the number that is to be ported over.
Set primary number
It is important to set your primary number as this is the emergency contact number for your business, this number is only displayed to emergency services when calling 000.
Setting number route
Once you have numbers allocated to your account it is now time to set your number route or flow. This can be done by clicking on the number itself and clicking the EDIT button next to Call Routing. Here you have 2 options. Ring an extension directly or Follow a multi-step.
Option 1. is simply when someone calls your number a single extension is called followed by your voicemail.
Option 2. Is a more complex route where you can add multiple steps of the following flow. Extension > Call Group > Conference Room > Announcement > Voicemail or Divert